Below mentioned are sample questions according to their category to inspire you with ideas what kind of questions you may ask. Of course, these are imaginary questions, our customers data is strictly confidential. You can navigate to each category by clicking.

  • When will I meet the true love of my life?
  • Am I going to be in a new relationship soon?
  • Should I move in with my boyfriend?
  • What should I do right now and in the coming months to assure that my relationship will move to the next level?
  • Why did we break up last year?
  • Will I get back together with my ex?
  • Am I compatible with my current partner?
  • I am looking for a once-in-a-lifetime soulmate. When will I meet him?
  • Is my Ex meeting someone now?
  • Is my boyfriend losing feelings for me? Is he cheating on me with another person?
  • How will I meet my future husband? What does my relationship show about my relationship this year? What can I do to improve it?
  • Am I going to be in a new relationship soon?
  • Why am I single?
  • When will I get married?
  • When will I have children?
  • When will I get pregnant?
  • Does the guy a met today like me more than a friend?
  • What kind of person should I marry?

  • What does the near future hold for me? Can I expect anything exciting in my life soon?
  • Do people like to be around me?
  • What would be a good path for me right now? Am I on the right path according to destiny and astrology?
  • What is the purpose of my life? Does my chat indicate anything about realizing my life purpose?
  • How can I Know which gemstone is suitable for me? How do gemstones influence our minds?
  • Does my future hold anything big, life fame, or significant notable success?
  • Sometimes I feel like I don't know what my real personality is. Can you tell me more about myself?
  • I want to have a pet. Which animal will I be happy with?
  • What are my lucky colors? What colors in clothes should I have more to save my inner peace, energy, be more balanced, attract people?
  • Everything in my life is not going as planned. What is my ultimate destiny? What and who am I fated to become?
  • If destiny is written, so what do the stars say about mine?
  • Can you suggest some mantras to clear my path?
  • What are the strong and weak sides of my personality? Which qualities should I improve in myself?
  • Am I going to have a long and happy life? Am I going to have the life I want?
  • Can you guide me in regard to what is going on in my mind and heart?
  • I have dreams of things before it happens. Do I have a good intuition and can I really sense spirits? Do I have potential in spirituality?
  • I've had less luck lately, What is going on? Does someone have black magic or voodoo doll on me?
  • I feel like I'm a pretty, smart, loving, and perfect woman. But I never attract men on my level and it's painful. Why?
  • What is the best gemstone for me?
  • Do you have any inspirational news from my chart for the upcoming month? I really need some motivation right now.
  • What are my lucky colors and numbers?
  • How can I build my self-love and confidence stronger?

  • Can I have some insight as to what today holds for me?
  • Can you give me some advice on how to feel better this week?
  • I dreamt about my ex today. What does it mean?
  • Will I get any financial help from my friend or anyone today?
  • Did I make an impression on the guy I met today?
  • How is my luck today?
  • How will this week be for me? Can I expect any surprise? If so, what kind?
  • Am I gonna have a good day at work?
  • I really need some hope and encouragement these days. Can you give me some positive news?

  • Can I get an internship this semester?
  • Will I pass my exam with good grades this semester?
  • Will I get admission into my choice of college this year?
  • It's difficult for me to concentrate and focus on the studying process. How can I improve it?
  • Will I be able to get my education abroad and settle there? When?
  • Am I on the right educational path? What are good fields for me to pursue and study?
  • I got accepted into two colleges. How can I choose the best one for me?
  • Will I pass my driving test today?

  • Is it a good time to change my job now?
  • When will I get a job?
  • Is it a good idea to accept a new job offer now?
  • I have an important job interview tomorrow, is it a good date for the interview to be successful? What can I do to make it successful?
  • Why can't I find a good job? What can I do?
  • Which time and days are the best for me to appoint a job interview?
  • I have a crush at my office. Should I ask him out for a date or will it affect our professional relationship?
  • I feel I am meant to do something big in life but I am having trouble figuring out what it is? Is it related to my career?
  • How can I get the job of my dream?
  • Will I get a raise this year?
  • What does my birth chart show about my work atmosphere and career progress this year?
  • When will I get a promotion at work?
  • What career is most suitable for me to succeed in life?

  • Will I become rich one day? Will I ever be financially independent of my family?
  • Will I have enough money to buy my own house one day?
  • Will I get a loan from a bank?
  • Will I get a sudden fortune or lottery luck?
  • When is the best time to buy a new car?
  • Will I get an inheritance and if yes then when?
  • When will my financial situation be stable? What job sectors I can earn the most? Should I switch my job now?
  • When is the best time to sell my house?
  • Can you tell me about money flow throughout my life?
  • I am going to take out a loan, when is the best date to apply for it?
  • Tell me what important thing should I know about money in my future?

  • When will be a good time to start a new business?
  • According to my natal chart, can I be a good businessman?
  • I want to run my own business. Which Sphere should I choose? Where will I be more successful?
  • Is it a good time to start my own business now? When is the best time to launch a new business to make it successful?
  • Could you provide reading about next week in terms of business? Especially if there are any new deals coming.
  • What are the strong and weak sides of my business skills?